
If you're interested in supporting the Green-Rainbow Party, please consider volunteering your time to help us build a viable political alternative in Massachusetts. Below you'll find current volunteer opportunities at party events or with our various candidates running for office.

Mark Miller

Candidate for state representative, 3rd Berkshire District Pittsfield, MA

Primary Day September 20

Special election October 18                                        

To volunteer, contact Mark




Rick Purcell

Candidate for Holyoke city Council, Ward 3 in Holyoke.
Volunteers are needed for
* (a) helping with mailings: design, addressing, and stamping
* (b) holding signs, canvassing, and handing out literature
* (c) Spanish language translating, interpreting, and outreach

To volunteer, contact Rick:

     413-374-5118 (cell) or 413-322-9312 (home)


Tim Beaudoin

Candidate for Councilor at Large, Worcester.
Volunteers are needed for
* (a) regularly scheduled stand-outs
* (b) canvassing campaigns
* (c) Get Out The Vote stand-outs Sept. 19th & Sept. 20th
(election day!)

To volunteer, contact The Committee to Elect Tim Beaudoin at

Join Facebook group "Tim Beaudoin for Worcester City Council <http://www.facebook.com/groups/206506366043242>"
for instant updates regarding stand-out times/places/dates, fundraising shows/events, and other campaign activities.


If you're interested in volunteering in other roles with the party, please fill out and submit the form below.

Please pick as many volunteer tasks as appeal to you.