Green-Rainbow Party Statements
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The money is there -- but not for you!
Both the Democrats and Republicans have been taking advantage of the "economic crisis" -- which their campaign donors and corporate friends created -- to "balance the budget" by slashing public services, including education, health care, nutrition, public works, and human services. We think this is the wrong way to go.
5 May 2011 Testimony before MA Joint Committee on Revenue
I want to thank you for the opportunity to present testimony in support of two bills before your committee: An Act to Invest in Our Communities (H2553) and An Act Relative to the Taxation of Mutual Fund Companies (H3015). I serve as chair of the Whately School Committee but I’m speaking today on behalf of the Green-Rainbow Party’s Better Budget Initiative.
As elected representatives of our communities, every one of us states that our highest priority is the support of our communities, and in particular, the public services our constituents depend on and pay for.
Candidate Opinions on 2010 Ballot Initiatives
As election day rapidly approaches, we'd like to take a minute to share some of our candidates' thoughts on the three initiatives that will appear on statewide ballots. The Green-Rainbow Party itself has chosen to not take any particular stance on these issues, and instead let its candidates speak to the nuances of each question. With that in mind, here are several opinions issued by our candidates.
Question 1: Repeal of sales tax on beer and wine
Question Summary
Green-Rainbow Party Urges Immediate Action on Foreclosure Bill, Endorses Vigil Action
GRP Candidates Unanimously Support Bill and Decry Legislative Inaction
July 26, 2010. For Immediate Release
The Green-Rainbow Party calls on the Massachusetts Legislature to adopt, without delay, "An Act to stabilize neighborhoods" (H 4595, a.k.a. "the foreclosure bill"). As summarized by City Life/Vida Urbana & MAAPL, the bill
"...would prevent foreclosing banks from evicting tenants `no-fault' in buildings banks own after foreclosure. The law would only affect foreclosing banks, not subsequent owners. The proposed law would not require state funding. It will help homeowners facing foreclosure by making banks make a good faith offer for a loan modification to prevent foreclosure or the bank will have to wait an additional 60 days up to a total of 150 days before it can foreclosure. This will provide incentives for more good faith negotiation by banks."
The legislation will also make mortgage fraud a criminal action and assist localities in rehabilitating foreclosed properties.
The state Senate has passed the same legislation unanimously, and the GRP stands with other organizations, including City Life/Vida Urbana and The Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending, in urging the legislature do likewise. With foreclosures across the state forecast to top 12,000 this year, the bill requires immediate action, as the legislative session expires at the end of the week.
Michael Horan, Green-Rainbow Party co-chair, urged state legislators to "focus on matters of real and pressing importance to the citizens of the commonwealth."
(click ["Read More"] to continue)
Repeal the Sales Tax Hike
1. The Green-Rainbow party calls for the repeal of the 2009 increase in the Massachusetts sales tax.
2. We call for the Legislature to adequately fund important state services by instituting tax measures that increase the fairness of our tax system. Among the techniques that should be considered are increasing the personal income tax exemption while raising the income tax rate.