State Committee
The State Committee is a multi-member body which is responsible for the long-term policy direction of the party between state conventions.
The State Committee can:
* revise the party bylaws, platform, and budget;
* elect party members to vacant leadership positions;
* create adhoc committees and programs;
all subject to review by the state convention. The State Committee is also responsible for oversight of the Administrative Committee.
Members are elected in one of three ways:
1) (bylaw 8.5.1) from state senatorial districts elected at the Presidential primary
(up to 80 four year seats)
2) (bylaw 8.5.2) proportional representation seats elected at regional conventions
(region = county except for Cape & Islands [a 3 county region])
(up to 60 two year seats)
3) (bylaw 8.5.3) diversity seats elected at state committee meetings
(two year seats as needed to reach our diversity goals)
The (bylaw 8.5.2) seats allocated to each region are proportional to the number of registered Green-Rainbow voters in that region (minimum of two seats per region). Regional delegations to the State Committee must be gender balanced.
Click here for State Committee member responsibilities
State Committee Sessions
State Committee sessions are generally two year periods, since this is the length of term for 8.5.2 and 8.5.3 seats (see above). However, some of the early (post 2001) state committee sessions were shorter because we increased the size of the state committee (from 40 to 60 members) in 2003, and then again (to 60+) in 2004. For each session, the web page will contain:
* a table or list of the state committee delegates for that period;
* the general meeting information (date, place, and the rules governing the state committee's makeup during that time period);
Since membership in the state committee changes over time, the list of state committee members will usually reflect the current (for the current session) or final (for past sessions) makeup of the state committee for the time period involved.
For each state committee meeting within a session the following items will usually be provided (subject to availability):
* the proposals database used for the agenda of the meeting;
* the minutes (sometimes draft, sometimes approved) of the meeting;
Current State Committee Session (starting April 24th 2010)
State Committee Meeting Standing Rules
The State Committee has set a standard for complete proposals for State Committee and State Conventions. Click here for information on complete proposals as well as a template.
The state committee at the 1/12/2002 state committee meeting approved an email decision making process to use between its regular meetings. Click here for the State Committee Email Decision Making Process
StateCom Email List
The State Committee has an email list that anyone can join, but only State Committee members and the Administrative Committee may post to this list. The list archives are also online.