Join us in Baltimore for the Green Party National Convention
Would you like to attend the Green Party national convention that will be held July 12-15, 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland? This is a great opportunity to meet Greens from across America, attend workshops with experienced activists, and help select the Green Party nominees for President and Vice-president. You'll also get to enjoy historic Baltimore and its lively waterfront. For information on how to apply to join the Massachusetts delegation, reply to John Andrews,
Our hosts, the Baltimore City Green Party, will welcome us to enjoy Baltimore, a city famous for its beautiful waterfront, world-class museums, three centuries of history and much more. The actual convention meeting will be held on the campus of the University of Baltimore. In addition to nominating our presidential ticket, the convention will approve the 2012 Green Party platform and consider other matters to set the stage for a Green surge in 2012. Further information on the convention will be posted at