Get Involved
Volunteer your time
The Green-Rainbow Party is always looking for people to help move politics forward in Massachusetts. Please consider volunteering some of your time to grow the Party and to give the electorate a viable progressive political option.
Join the Party
Registering Green-Rainbow is a great way to join the party, make a statement, and build the Party. Registering Green-Rainbow is a positive declaration that you're not going to settle for the current one-party state of politics in Massachusetts.
Donations are a great way to support the Party, as the Green-Rainbow Party does not accept money from corporations, relying instead entirely on donations from individuals who want to make a difference.
Sign up for updates
When you sign up for email updates from the GRP, you'll receive all the latest news on Party activities, events, and campaigns.
Take action
One of the best ways to get involved politically is to write your elected representatives and to let them know how they can best represent you at the local and national levels.
Local chapters
Find local chapters of Green-Rainbows across the Bay State.