Donate to the Green-Rainbow Party

If you would like to support and build the Green-Rainbow Party in Massachusetts, promote Green-Rainbow candidates, and work for an environmentally sound and socially just future, please contribute what you can to the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts. Please note the following restrictions imposed by the Federal Election Commission: * All contributions must include the name and address of the person making the donation. * All contributions over $100.00 must be by check, money order, or credit card. * All contributions over $200.00 must include occupation and employer (including smaller contributions adding up to more than $200.00). * Donations may not be more than $10,000.00 per year. * You must be a citizen of the United States of America or a federally recognized permanent resident (federal regulations). *You must be at least 18 years of age. 

Monthly/Yearly Sustainer Program

While you are deciding how much you can afford, please consider our Monthly/Yearly Sustainer Program. You can become a sustainer for as little as $20/year or $4.95/month.  It allows you to spread out your donation over time and at the same time helps us plan ahead. When you become a sustainer, you join others across Massachusetts who recognize the importance of regular and sustained financial contributions to the success of your party, your candidates, and the advancement of your values. 

You can contribute any of these ways:

* Credit Card Contribute online with a credit card, debit card or PayPal account or 

* Check Make your personal check out to "Green-Rainbow Party", then fill out, print, and mail the online contribution form along with your check to  Green-Rainbow Party, P.O. Box 87 North Hatfield, MA 01066

* Online Banking Make your online banking check out to "Green-Rainbow Party", then fill out, print, and mail the online contribution form to the address above.