Candidate Development and Legal Committee
Mission Statement
To expand the number and preparedness of Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts candidates for elected and appointed office. To monitor legal compliance for the Green-Rainbow Party.
The responsibilities of this working group are as follows.
- Help locals find and nurture candidates
- Evaluate candidates for understanding and commitment to Green-Rainbow values and procedures
- Organize campaigning and Get Out The Vote training classes for candidates, candidate committees, locals and volunteers
- Find candidates to run for statewide office
- gather information about electoral results and campaign learnings to pass on to each new group of candidates and their supporters in the Green-Rainbow Party
- Monitor state and federal laws and procedures for political parties/designations
- Develop policies and submit them for passage so the Green-Rainbow Party meets state and federal requirements as in line with our values as possible
- Address as necessary any ballot or election related issues for the Party and, as time permits, requests from other Green-Rainbow Party bodies about ballot or election related issues
- Help the Green-Rainbow Party fulfill its diversity goals in its internal and external election efforts
Getting Involved
If you would like to join this committee please send an email to